The better is the enemy of the good

The key idea in implementing a continuous improvement process (CIP) in a company is an understanding that even the smallest ideas or changes can lead to big results. Use the ideas of your employees, because they are the experts at their workplace.


The better is the enemy of the good

The key idea in implementing a continuous improvement process (CIP) in a company is an understanding that even the smallest ideas or changes can lead to big results. Use the ideas of your employees, because they are the experts at their workplace.

Lean Kaizen in
Production and manufacturing

“Tell me – and I will forget. Show it to me – and I will remember. Let me do it – and I will remember.” (Confucius)

What would a 25 percent increase in productivity mean for your company? What would you save if scrap was reduced by 30 percent? How would your customers react if you improved your delivery performance by 20 percent? How much cash flow would be freed up if you reduced your inventory by 25 percent?

All of this is achievable by implementing improvements in the company in a consistent and focused manner. CIP is synonymous with the Japanese KAIZEN. KAIZEN literally means change (KAI) for the good (ZEN). KAIZEN/KVP is actually a state of mind that questions the good in order to achieve the better.

Small ideas can change a lot

The key idea to implement CIP in the company is an understanding that even the smallest ideas or changes can lead to big results. The involvement and participation of the employees on site with the support of the management level is therefore, indispensable in order to come closer to the goal of lean production.

In our CIP workshops, we actively involve employees in the process of change. Through experience, we sustainably promote their motivation to independently initiate change processes in the company – and the positive thing is: Already after the end of the CIP workshop, a clear change is visible in the selected area.

Only the willingness to change and the active participation of employees in the necessary “conversion work” create the necessary conditions for sustainable success.

KAIZEN in practice


In practice, lean management can be described by three principles:

Produce only what is needed!

Produce only when it is needed!

Produce only the amount needed!

Or: It rarely makes sense to run the most expensive, fastest machine at full capacity. What it produces is just stock. Only bottleneck resources should always run, while other resources should only run when needed.

The implementation of Lean Kaizen tools, customized to your company’s needs, has the following objectives:

Higher efficiency

Every process requires setup time – including mental time – and resources. Becoming more efficient means increasing value added and achieving more output per working hour. There are many levers available to achieve optimization, from streamlining production processes to more efficient workplace design to better preparation.

Higher quality results
Your machines produce a lot of stock and therefore perhaps also scrap? Your employees are always looking for important parts or documents? In production, waiting times paralyze efficiency? In all of these cases, Kaizen works against waste of time, resources and personnel. Should a doctor in the operating room first have to look for where the thread and swab are? But this is exactly what they expect from their expensive and important specialists: Seek and ye shall find.

Shorter lead times

Optimizing processes, trouble-free operation, standardizing production, batch size optimization (not by quantity): These are just some of the levers that can be used to shorten lead times, one of the most important parameters in production.

Lower inventories

Inventory costs money, reduces cash flow and occupies important floor space. We support you in the change from the push to the pull principle. We only buy machines when they remove a bottleneck that is hindering our growth, but not because we want to become faster at a process.

We tackle it - together with you!

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